Cheryl Obermiller

Empowering Business Owners

to Protect Themselves from Fraud  

Cheryl Obermiller - Business Owner, Author, Fraud Expert

Get Your FREE Copy of

"10 Ways to Save Your Business From Financial Fraud!"

“If you’re a small business owner who has an internal bookkeeper or accountant looking after your company’s finances, you must read this book. Cheryl Obermiller will keep you from making the same mistakes that cost her company more than $1 million. In my work as a former FBI agent specializing in white collar crime, I’ve heard similar horror stories from businesses of all sizes. But small businesses are especially vulnerable. This book gives you simple tips to keep every dollar safe. It will help you sleep better at night.”

- Michael Armitage
   Former FBI Agent and Security Expert

Cheryl Obermiller is an expert in small business fraud. She is the owner of Obermiller Construction Services, Inc., and a major embezzlement survivor. In 2010, she discovered a long-term embezzlement scheme operating within her company that resulted in her longtime friend and accountant being sent to prison for nearly three years. The confirmed losses totaled nearly half a million dollars, and the real damage probably exceeded a million dollars.


The unique FraudPoints system she developed to protect her own company from fraudsters is now available to help protect yours.  Cheryl is passionate about helping small business owners take competent charge of the financial workings of their companies, and empowering them to protect their businesses from embezzlers, thieves, and scallywags!

Let's Chat    816-380-5510

Cheryl Obermiller - Business Owner, Author, Fraud Expert

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